Welcome to the Kingsbridge Estate regeneration website.

We’re One Housing and we’re working with residents to help shape the future of the estate.

Since 2019, we have been having conversations with residents on the estate and weighing up different options and changing them based on resident input. Throughout 2019 to 2022, we have discounted the unfavourable options and options that do not work in relation to the assessment criteria – this is called an ‘options appraisal’. 

In mid-2022, we launched the fifth round of consultation, where the Options Appraisal process was concluded with the presentation of the preferred option. The preferred option was for a full redevelopment of the estate, which was then put forward to a resident ballot.

During late 2022, a ballot was held for residents to vote if the regeneration proposals to demolish the existing blocks and build new homes should go ahead. A turnout of 75.6% of eligible voters took part in the ballot, of which 85.4% voted ‘yes’ and 14.6% voted ‘no’.

Following the conclusion of the options appraisal consultation and resident ballot, we will continue working with the local community in close consultation as we work towards submitting a planning application expected in Spring 2024. 

This website has been designed to provide accessible information on the project and allow residents and stakeholders to join the conversation and be kept up to date.

Project timeline


Getting to know Kingsbridge Estate

August 2019 to December 2019

In 2019 we began working with the residents of the Kingsbridge Estate and undertook a ‘Starting the Conversation’ survey to understand the issues that were more most important to them. Building on the feedback gathered from the survey, a series of initial project objectives were identified to form a Residents Brief for Kingsbridge Estate.


Initial options (Cycle 1 to Cycle 2)

September 2020 to May 2021

In September 2020 we set up the options appraisal process with our project architects, Haworth Tompkins. We used the time to delve deeper into the detail of Kingsbridge Estate and help build our understanding of what works, what doesn’t and what residents wanted to see in our evolving ideas. 

In January 2021 we launched the second round of consultation, which included the presentation and discussion of five options for how Kingsbridge Estate could change. These were early ideas presented to residents to gather feedback on what they did and didn’t like as well as how the options could be improved. It was also a chance for residents to respond to the feedback from Cycle 1 and provide any additional comments on the Resident’s Brief.

Refine Options (Cycle 3 and Cycle 4)

May 2021 to December 2021

In May 2021 we launched the third round of consultation, presenting the refined options in more detail. During this cycle, the project team began to test options against the appraisal criteria including sub-options to ensure all possibilities were explored.

In November 2021 we launched the fourth round of consultation. Only the preferred options were developed and further tested against the appraisal criteria based on feedback from Cycle 3. Landscape designs were developed and a children and play space workshop was held. Again residents were asked to give feedback on the options.

Present final options

April 2022 to May 2022

In April 2022, we launched the fifth round of consultation, where the Options Appraisal process was concluded with the presentation of the preferred option. The preferred option was for a full redevelopment of the estate, which was then put forward to a resident ballot.

Resident ballot

November 2022 to December 2022

In November 2022 residents were provided with our Landlord Offer document which set out the commitments if the ballot was successful, along with the example plans and designs to provide residents an idea of what they could typically expect if the proposed regeneration goes ahead.

During November and early December 2022, a ballot was held for residents to vote if the regeneration proposals to demolish the existing blocks and build new homes should go ahead. A turnout of 75.6% of eligible voters took part in the ballot, of which 85.4% voted ‘yes’ and 14.6% voted ‘no’

Meeting with residents – We are here

February 2023

Now that the Options Appraisal is complete and residents have voted in the ballot, we will be meeting with each household to discuss their specific needs and preferences for the future.

Appoint development partner

June 2023

By summer this year, we will be appointing a development partner, who will be responsible for building the new homes.

Detailed design

Late summer 2023/Early Autumn 2023

Following the appointment of our development partner, we will begin detailed design work and ongoing community consultation to develop the planning application which is due to be submitted in Spring 2024. This will involve a number of exhibitions, workshops and one to one visits to hear your feedback.